Meet the Advisor: Aaron Petty

November 29, 2015

Twin baby carrier endorsed by physical therapist | TwinGo CarrierAaron holds a degree in physical therapy, and is a certified personal trainer. He also has a masters in business administration in health care administration. He has worked in outpatient sports medicine since graduating in 2000. He has worked with weekend warriors to professional athletes and has helped to rehabbed many of their injuries.

This Physical Therapist and father of 4 endorses our twin baby carrier!

I have treated many people with upper and lower back pain. More often then not the result of their pain is caused by poor ergonomics in the work place, at home, or in doing extra curricular activities. Poor ergonomics can place strain on your body, muscles, and joints.

Parenting is a tireless job. It is 24/7, and it is not a job where you can just take a break. Sometimes you have to hold your child. This can be tiring and troublesome, especially if you have two children. Conventionally carrying or holding two children in your arms is hard to do, and it is almost impossible to do ergonomically.

When holding a child your center of gravity is displaced. To maintain balance, with a displaced center of gravity, the muscles in our body contract to maintain an upright posture. This places a tremendous strain our muscular skeletal system. The TwinGo® Carrier has many ergonomic benefits to maintain your center of gravity for both the child or children being carried, and the parent.

The TwinGo® Carrier places the children close to the parent's center of gravity. This allows the parent to have greater balance. Having the weight close to your own center of gravity decreases muscular fatigue, and the potential for strain to the upper and lower back.